Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FunFetti Cupcakes Take 1 results

Results: They looked good, but they can taste better. My roommate Betsy I think hit the nail on the head when she said that they tasted more like sugar cookies than cupcakes. I found a new recipe that I think will solve the problem...I will keep you posted!! (Haha, see how funny I am)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Annie Cooks

Part of my Middle Child Syndrome is that I have all of these creative ideas in my head but when I try to execute them they fail miserably.  Especially when it comes to arts and crafts, and all I want to do id be like Martha Stewart.  But my sister is awesome!  Check out her blog, she will make you things!! (janiebaby.blogspot.com) However, when it comes to baking, I do pretty well.  

My friends from college and I have a slight obsession with FunFetti cake mix.  So this weekend I tried to make my own FunFetti cupcakes from scratch.  Here is what they look like...not too bad.  I am taking them to work tomorrow for a taste test.  I just hope that I am giving the box mix a run for its money, or at least some where close. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love my Snuggie!

Yes I have a Snuggie! Yes I love it! Yes, you should be jealous that I can knit and read AND keep my arms warm!